Sunday 1 November 2015

Good Parenting

Raising kids is one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world. All parents need a little advice now and then. Here are a few tips on “Good Parenting” that will encompass everything we should do as parents to raise an emotionally intelligent child.

1) Create a Good Relationship with Your Child
It takes a lot of wisdom and intentional efforts to have a close bond with your child. From infancy through age 7, kids spend a lot of time on the floor. We as parents should also be down there with them. But for the older kids the world is different. Children who will feel connected to their parents would naturally want to please them.

2) Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem
Kids start developing their sense of self as infants. They absorb every expression of their parents. A parent’s words, actions etc. affect their self-esteem more than anything else. Kids with low self-esteem are not able to accept their weaknesses. They generally exhibit low tolerance for frustration and a sense of pessimism prevails in them. Whereas, kids who know their strengths and weaknesses are more realistic and optimistic. They are more comfortable in social settings and tend to enjoy interacting with others.

3) Fit Parenting with your Child’s Age
Age has a significant effect on a child’s behavior. A parent needs to keep pace with the child's development. When a child behaves like a child, it’s wonderful. Don’t push him to be an adult too soon. There is no hurry for him to become an adult. Let him live and enjoy his age.

4) Set Limits with Empathy

A child should also be aware of his limits. Discipline is necessary to help a child differentiate right from wrong. It helps kids choose acceptable behaviors and develop self-control. But make sure not to micromanage your child. One surely needs to set limits but with empathy.

5) Treat your Child with Respect

A child treats others the way his parents treat him. When a child feels good about himself, it’s easy for him to make others feel positive. A parent should praise his child’s good behavior and help him realize how good it feels to be generous with others. Respect his opinion so that he learns to respect your & others opinion.

However, there is no correct or single method of raising a child as every child is special & different but surely a few parenting tips go a long way in ensuring a child’s happiness.

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